Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Hooray mail!

Well, I was wrong...
Amazon had the anticipated delivery date for my books listed as next Monday and I thought they had shipped via UPS and would probably arrive late Monday night (I don't know why but the UPS guy here always delivers late and never ever knocks). Well, much to my delight, my books arrived via the good ol' postal service around lunchtime today!

So now I have Abby Franquemont's Respect the Spindle and Maggie Casey's Start Spinning: Everything You Need to Know to Make Great Yarn to aid me in my new adventure.
I also got Power Cables by Lily M. Chin and the new Stitch 'n Bitch Superstar Knitting: Go Beyond the Basics. But those will hafta take a seat on the bookcase (along with the couple of zombie books I couldn't resist) until I've had my spinning fix.

I'll try to review the books once I've had a chance to digest them a bit.

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